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Resistance Guide

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1Resistance Guide Empty Resistance Guide Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:37 pm



Resistance Guide Rebels_by_antimingebag-d5rwqss

The Resistance, is a very slippery role. It can make or break any RP server if it doesn't achieve a perfect balance of Passive roleplay with all of it's criminal activities. For example- players often focus on the succession of mobbings, abductions, murders, and armed attacks that they barely allow for any roleplay to take place at all. The Resistance is not a formal military or Elite force. All rebels; whether they are fighters, informants, or leaders; face a high probability of death and PK. The Resistance doesn't make a merciless, seasoned combat veteran just by presenting a sympathizer with a uniform and firearm. There are many Active supporters (Especially in the game) who provide a variety of support through delivering supplies, providing medical attention, operating radios, etc. Resistance roleplay is to inspire, and very often interact with citizens.

What exactly is it that the Resistance does?

The Resistance; although known for it's tendency to commit violent acts for certain reasons. Focuses primarily on non-violent goals such as...​

-The Gathering and distribution of resources. (Non-UU Approved food items)

-The Smuggling of refugees.(Citizens with 12 points; or fugitives in general)

-The establishing of Resistance strongholds and safehouses.

-The establishing of hidden caches (I mean there's like 50 of them in the game after all)

-Spreading Propaganda

-Disrupting the efficiency of Civil Protection through sabotage and espionage (Which may have the strong likelihood of turning violent)

-Establish travel routes and forms of transit that avoid UU checkpoints.

-The infiltration of UU groups and authorities.

-The rallying of citizens to the cause. (Creating Passive Supporters)

-Inciting resistance without armed intervention.

These- and many other goals, hold long term success for the Resistance. Where as short term goals; such as armed attacks, murders, and abductions on and of Civil Protection teams hold immediate and unavoidable repercussions; of which Resistance cells could be uncovered and destroyed if not done perfectly.

Resistance Guide Honey__who_are_all_these_people__by_juavt-d57b9qc
Well then smarty pants- whats the point in having guns!? HUH!? HUH!?

The Resistance is at constant threat of raids and outright mass execution, confirmed centers of resistance members often call for no discrimination in the amputation of all "citizens" within those areas. As such, the Resistance has the means to defend themselves, and may possibly increase their slim odds of escape and evasion. This does not mean however, that the Resistance is made up of remorseless killers that execute members of the UU. It is important to remember that most people morally object to taking a life and thus armed conflict should be avoided by all Resistance roleplayers. Though everyone wants to experience... well this-

Resistance Guide Shoot_the_bastards_by_gtanoofa-d3anp9f

And admittedly even I have had some fun firefights. You as a rebel, should NEVER seek out firefights without a serious and sensible agenda; hopefully that goes well beyond the typical; "I just wanted his gun." The role of a Resistance roleplayer is generally passive in everything that you do.

Well then, what constitutes a valid reason for Rebels to take the offensive?

Well, it is true that there are justifiable reasons for rebels to attack; a Resistance cell commits acts of violence to...​

-Obtain local recognition for their cause by attracting the attention of citizens

-Harass, weaken, or embarrass Protection Teams so that the Union overreact and appear repressive

-Steal or extort money and equipment, especially weapons and ammunition vital to the operation of their group

-Destroy facilities or disrupt lines of communication in order to create doubt that the Union can provide for and protect its citizens

-Influence decisions, legislation, or other critical actions

-Free prisoners

-Satisfy Vengeance

-Turn the tide in a guerrilla war by forcing Protection Teams to concentrate their efforts in urban areas. This allows the Resistance to establish itself among the local populace in derelict areas.

Now so as to avoid misunderstandings of the first motive allow me to present an example of a successful past experience a cell attacked and vandalized a checkpoint in a derelict area, thus the members of said cell showed passers by that the U can suffer small defeats, it also shows the citizens that frequent said area its a place of relative freedom and resistance; but be warned it also shows the Union as well.... BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUUUUUUUUUUUUM!

How Should I; as a rebel, act?​

Resistance Guide Rebels_executing_some_combine_by_hakashidnrc-d5dmn5k

But instead, like this.
Resistance Guide Lightroom_4_beta_test_1_by_megaman196-d4pnk1e

See the difference? As a rebel, the most rewarding roleplay comes from interacting with and helping citizens. While it is okay to stay in the safe area you've made for yourself and simply interact with other rebels. It's a bit selfish to just sit in your cell's safe area in full uniform with a weapon 24/7 don't you think? People who play citizens look forward to finding and interacting with rebels. While it is risky is it really too much to ask that you put away any goodies you have, and leave your safe area for the sake of roleplay, if only for a little while? It really isn't. You as a rebel, spice up the roleplay of even CPs, whether you get away or not it would be UTTERLY boring for them if everybody just obeyed EVERY oppressive law. And all they did was just.... walk around, no resisting everybody just; walks around... It is important for you as a rebel to roleplay that you are a human; and not a CP, roleplay eating, roleplay crying, roleplay HUMANITY! That's what you're fighting for! Not to just kill people in cold blood- that's the wrong faction entirely!

What defines a "Rebel?" Can I as a regular citizen be considered as one?

Anti-citizens themselves are technically considered; "Resistance," it is up to the administrators to create a "Semi-official" group to establish a sense of authenticity. But technically speaking, any regular old group of Anti-citizens could become their own "Resistance." And of course, if there were a Semi-Official group implemented; Active supporters are VERY common in the game, you see them quite often in Gordon's adventures, any Citizen could be considered "Resistance," and hey that cliche uniform can give you something to work towards, don't you think?

What's the most common error within Resistance Roleplay?

People often demonstrate a sort of- brutal behavior when they roleplay a rebel character. It most commonly happens when a citizen catches them doing a criminal act and- so as to avoid any breech of security for their identity, affiliation, or group. They instead just murder the witness on the spot in cold blood.I have seen this happen on a roleplay server at least ten or more times. And one of which I was in charge of the rebels that killed the poor citizen. Both ICly and OOCly I blurted "What the fuck did you just do that for? What fuck is wrong with you!?!" And I do believe- that was the calm and rational response to that. It hardly shows the Resistance to be "The Good Guys," when your only interaction with them was them shooting you in the face. It makes them less of a Resistance, and more of a terrorist group. Or just generally speaking a band of murderers and cutthroats of the like hardly on the side of "the people." It breaks immersion, canon, and roleplay, as that's not enjoyable for anyone but the murderer.

How do I join the Resistance?

Well, you certainly don't walk up to a rebel and open with that question- as it demonstrates that you are at a low level of roleplay and most likely just want a gun. The Resistance, observes the realism of your reactions upon your first encounter, assuming you demonstrate quality roleplay you will most likely be offered the role or safety of an Active supporter, or refugee; depending on the circumstances. Ultimately it is the Resistance that seeks out new members, not citizens. Suffice to say, you don't choose to join the Resistance, the Resistance chooses you.

Other FAQs
How do I get a gun? Get killed. SERIOUSLY!!!! UGGGGGGH!

Where can I obtain supplies? That's all you buddy. An attack on a CP if roleplayed well could yield some needed equipment, but I recommend you consult your admin team before doing such a thing. Bumping in to a Blackmarket dealer could be possible as well.

Can CPs rebel? Admin team- nuff said. I can easily imagine a disgruntled low ranker who seems to be at his permanent rank per say being tempted.

Won't a lot of things resistance related, require admin approval? I wouldn't say that, i've done a lot of things that seemed somewhat questionable without admin consent, as long as you make the roleplay fun and enjoyable for everyone they have no reason to be concerned. But hey, you shouldn't be afraid to ask your admins either.

What's the most rewarding scenario in terms of juicy roleplay? I definitely gotta admit, the juiciest of juicy roleplay i've had comes from refugee/active supporter scenarios- plus there's no risk of dying; so yeah that's a plus too.

I find that roleplaying with CPs seems a little, overpowered? Yeah, that's normal, I mean dude. They control the world....

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