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Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide

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1Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide Empty Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:30 am



Overwatch Transhuman Arm

What Does This Guide Cover?
-Overwatch Equipment List
-Overwatch Behavior
-Overwatch Ranks
-Overwatch Weaponology

Overwatch Squad Arrangements:

-One EOW (Elite Over-Watch Soldier) that leads the mission, due to his elite status. Armed with AR2'S/Pulse Rifle's
-Two to Four ECHO Overwatch Soldiers (OWS) to support. Armed with MP7s. Unauthorized to use the 20mm grenade launchers
If the Squad is mixed, you NEED an EOW to lead the Squad.

Overwatch Standard Issue Equipment List:

Elite Overwatch Unit:
-Elite Overwatch Helmet
-Elite Hard-plate Padding ALL OVER
-Elite Overwatch Kevlar ALL OVER
-Elite Stab-Proof Vest
-Elite Hard-plate Padded Gloves
-Elite Hard-plate Padded Steel-Toed Boots
-Implanted Advanced Radio Communications System

-Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle
-Dark-Matter Energy Balls
-Unlimited Supply of Dark-Matter Energy
-Unlimited Supply of HE grenades
-Tactical Rappelling Kit

Overwatch Soldier:
-Standard Overwatch Helmet
-Standard Hard-plate Padding ALL OVER
-Standard Overwatch Kevlar ALL OVER
-Standard Stab-Proof Vest
-Standard Hard-plate Padded Gloves
-Standard Hard-plate Padded Steel-Toed Boots
-Implanted Advanced Radio Communications System
-Pulse Rifle/AR2
-Heckler and Koch MP7
-Unlimited Supply of Buckshot and HK 4.6×30mm
-All Other Equipment Mentioned

How do I act as one?:

Overwatch have no feelings. They feel no pain, they have absolutely NO fears, they have no emotion, they have no opinions, they have no resistance, they have no "ono im shot crawl away"-RP. For you see, Overwatch armor RPly is apparently made from the same materials the Death-Star is made from. No not really, but it's pretty strong. If you're on your Overwatch BLADE, or ECHO, or w/e; you don't say "yes" or "no" or "ok" or "please". None of that shit, Overwatch give orders, and they receive orders. If you don't, well there is no "don't". Overwatch follow their orders without any form of hesitation, unless it's the City Civil Administrator giving you a shitty or blatantly 10-103M order. Such as, "KILL DAT GROUP OF CITIZENS LOL" or "plessure me". If a CA does something stupid like that, no, you don't just take it up the ass, you CAN report it to the Sectoral Commander. If the CA is proved 10-103M, he or she will be amputated promptly, followed by a new CA being selected, by the SeC himself or another CA. Overwatch Units respond with 'Affirmative' or 'Negative'. If they give a Unit or a citizen a command, such as 'Move', and they disobey, they may get physical with him or her. Overwatch Units have no rank, besides their actual status, such as OWS or EOW. Think before you say something on your Overwatch Unit, think it out.

"CA: Do you like me?"

A) "No I don't"
B) "no faggot fuk u lol"
C) Negative.

If you picked A or B, you're obviously pretty stupid.

What are they?:

Usually people say to themselves, "lol de ovrwath r robots wit super penis".
No, they're not robots, they're not cyborgs, and they're sure as hell not the lizard people in disguise.

If you're not retarded and you know how to read, Trans-HUMAN. Now if you don't know what 'Trans' mean, your dumbass better get over to
google and find out. They're heavily augmented and mindfucked humans, in better terms, they're Transhuman. Transhuman means they're
somewhere inbetween human and hypothetical posthuman.

They're super-humans inside hard-plate-reinforced personal suits.
"lol but i 1 shoted 1 of dem in hl2 wit my 9m"
That's cause the retards at Valve set their default HP for NPCs to 70, for Elites anyway.
"wots an elite"
Ahhh yes, the Elite Overwatch Units (EOW)...

Elite Overwatch Units

The Elite Overwatch Units aren't as complicated as you think. They're normal Overwatch, further enhanced, with better armor, better equipment,
and better fire-arms. They're slightly above Divisional Leaders, but can still be ordered unless they're under Sectoral orders.
"lol hes cute can i ask him 2 b mi frend? lol"

No, Elite Overwatch Units are usually around to lead missions, guard Doctor Wallace Breen, guard the City Civil Administrator, and to guard the
high-command. No, not Divisional Leaders, more like the CmD, the SeC, and the UnC, only if they request it.

Here's how to identify them:

First: Their names will be something like: OTA-BLADE.EOW-25555
Second: They have a snow-white Overwatch uniform, with one bright red lense on their helmet.
Third: They'll have a thick-red stripe on their RIGHT arm.
Fourth: They'll have this insignia on their LEFT arm.

Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide 189px-Overwatch_Elite.svg

Fifth: They'll have this insignia on their chest-plate.

Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide 194px-Elite_chest_insigna.svg

This picture should probably sum it up:

Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide Combine_elite

Overwatch Soldier

An Overwatch Soldier, or OWS, is the basic grunt unit of the OTA forces. OWS are commonly found as the OTA Division, ECHO. ECHO are the basic
OTA grunt units, not too basic though, they still have Death-Star armor and aimbots, but they're slightly less than EOWs, equipment wise. You can
distinct the (OWS) normal Overwatch Soldiers by their uniforms, equipment, and names.
Here's how to identify them:

First: Their names will be something like: OTA-BLADE.OWS-25555
Second: They have a dark green and a transparent light blue Overwatch uniform, with two bright blue lenses on their helmet.
Third: They'll have heavy dark colored hard-plate-reinforced padding over their arms and legs, with grey hard-plate padding all over their
uniforms, with white colored sleeves underneath their arm's dark colored plating.
Fourth: They'll have this insignia on their LEFT arm.

Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide 140px-Overwatch_soldier_triangles.svg
Fifth: They'll have this insignia on their RIGHT arm.
Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide Overwatch_Soldier_triangle_arm

This picture should probably sum it up:

Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide Overwatch_Soldier_mp7

Overwatch Weaponology

OSIPR: Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle
Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide Mtw7pvz
The Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle, or the OSIPR, is the standard issue weapon for EOWs and OWSs. It can also be used by any BLADE OWS, with proper authorization. The OSIPR is a fully automatic assault rifle, holding 30-dark energy matter rounds in it's magazine. It is made by the Union Overlords in some other world. The OSIPR uses dark-energy matter as ammunition, which has an extremely deadly effectiveness against any targets, Kevlar or not. It can only be treated by the Helix Division, otherwise, you're sorta-almost-maybe-kinda fucked.

Heckler & Koch MP7

Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide L4emqdx

The Heckler & Koch MP7 is used as the Civil Authority standard issue SMG and is the standard issue weapon for Overwatch Soldiers (OWS). It is a
close-medium range weapon, holding a magazine of around 45 HK 4.6×30mm rounds. The under-barrel of the MP7 issued to Overwatch soldiers
has a 20mm grenade launcher, which is used by Elite Overwatch Units with proper authorization ONLY.
Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun
Overwatch Transhuman Arm Guide N5zqjds

The Franchi SPAS-12 is used by  (EOW/SHOTGUN).  The SPAS-12 holds a 6 round internal tube magazine, shells reloaded individually. It uses 12-gauge buckshot shells, with 2 barrels, one that fires one shell, another that fires both shells. As all shotguns, far range is pure and absolute shit, so be close, or don't use it at all!

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